T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
ESKİŞEHİR / TEPEBAŞI - Ticaret Borsası İlkokulu

Zenginleştirilmiş Eğitim Programı -ENG

  This project is conducted through on a protocol with the Center for Research and Practice on Gifted Education at Anadolu University.  The IQ Project aims both to develop a new scale of intelligence and by breaking the custom of adaptation of intelligence tests, it aims to lead the development of new scale of intelligence for local students. 26 regions of Turkey have been determined as the norm regions of AS Intelligence Scale. At this point Ticaret Borsası Primary School who is open to interaction, change, and collaboration, has collaborated with the Anadolu University.

           The fundamental aim of the project is to create awareness on the education of the gifted children. To this end, the first step is to identify gifted children first in our school, and then in other schools in our city, and to integrate the children into to education. For the education of the gifted children, enriched, differentiated and individualized education programmes will be supported. In this respect we have overviewed the 2020 goals of both National Education Ministry and EU on the gifted children. As a result, we have observed that although there are different trends in the education of gifted children in EU countries, there is a tendency of a shift from the individual needs of the students to the facilities of the learning environments.  We reached a conclusion that in our country there is a lack in the practices of the training of teachers, use of different methods, materials and techniques in the teaching environment. On registering these trainings, we plan to improve personally, and eliminate our shortcomings as a group.

        The project also aims to do studies for the social and affective developments of the gifted children and to provide teachers with necessary education in order to support scientific studies and scientific activities in the field.

        Finally, our aim is to extend the education of the gifted children in the local level and then to put the education into action as model in national and international level.



The needs of our school considering quality improvement and internalization are determined based on;

- Samples of practicesregarding  the education of gifted children

-Samples of curriculum in practice

-Varying educational techniques used

- The materials used

- The itemsregarding the Investigation of  evaluation  outcomes

The following workshop reports were investigated; The Strategy and Practice Plan of MEB regarding Gifted Children, 2013-2014, the Parliamentary Research Commission of Education of Gifted Children (2013), Directorate of Special Education and  Counselling Services, The Strategy and Practice Guidebook for the Education of   the Individuals with Special Abilities, the BİLSEM Reports of Shared Wisdom Platform of Gifted Ones and 2012-2013 MEB workshop reports.  These reports have clearly stated the targets of our ministry for 2020 and the expectations from teachers and  educational directors  and related institutions  are clearly stated in these reports.  Samples from Canada, Russia, , The USA, Australia, EU and Asia regarding the education of gifted children were examined.  The targets of EU regarding the education of gifted ones in 2020 were also revised. The investigations carried out in those countries reveal that the system has evolved towards a more focus on the educational environments from the individual needs of the students whereas  differentpractices have existed in EU countries. We have concluded depending on the  observations that the observed  practices have some shortages, such as  the education of the teachers which are considered to be the most important elements of teaching, employing  different  teaching methods, tools and  techniques. We plan to make up both our individual and team related shortages by improving ourselves  with the help of these educations. With the help of the education to be received, innovative approaches, methods and techniques will be obtained and  an environment with a shared work culture, dialogue and cooperation will be offered to all participants. 

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Yayın: 09.02.2016 - Güncelleme: 26.10.2020 14:15 - Görüntülenme: 2409
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